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amending VCF applications

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    WTC Health ProgramVictim Compensation Fund9/11 Injuries

    How to Appeal a 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Decision

    By Michael Barasch

    Since 2001, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) has awarded more than $2 billion to Barasch & McGarry clients who were in Lower Manhattan or near the Pentagon following 9/11. Both first responders and survivors (including Lower Manhattan office workers, teachers, students, and residents) who were exposed to Ground Zero toxins and have been […]

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  • Victim Compensation Fund

    Adding Conditions to an Existing VCF Claim

    By Michael Barasch

    Studies have compellingly linked a multitude of conditions affecting various bodily systems to WTC debris exposure. It has become painfully obvious, however, that many exposure victims can find themselves suffering from several of these conditions. In many cases, their illnesses did not manifest all at once but developed incrementally over a long period of time. […]

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