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Stuyvesant High School

  • Zadroga ActVictim Compensation FundWTC Health Program

    Many Former Students and Teachers at Risk of 9/11-Related Illnesses

    By Michael Barasch

    There were dozens of schools in the Ground Zero exposure zone on and after 9/11, from Stuyvesant High School in Battery Park City to Murry Bergtraum High School on the Lower East Side. In addition, there were other educational institutions, including Pace University, New York Law School, and the Borough of Manhattan Community College. Tragically, […]

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  • Zadroga Act9/11 InjuriesWTC Health Program

    Downtown Teachers and Students Urge Community to Enroll in WTC Health Program

    By Michael Barasch

    This week on Thursday, I had the honor of speaking at a major press conference at New York City’s Stuyvesant High School, which stands in the shadow of the former World Trade Center. Our goal was to let the public know that former students, teachers, local residents, and office workers are developing 9/11-related illnesses at the same alarming rates as the first responders.
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