WTC Health Program • Firefighters • Zadroga Act
Barasch & McGarry Secures Award for Missouri Firefighter Who Traveled 1,200 Miles to Volunteer at Ground Zero
Clinton R. traveled more than 1,200 miles to support New York City’s recovery after 9/11.
A firefighter with the Central Platte Fire Protection District in Missouri, Clinton wanted to contribute his experience as an emergency responder.
He joined thousands of other responders from across the United States – volunteers who went to Ground Zero to search for survivors and remove debris from the World Trade Center site.
At the time, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) told Clinton, other responders, and people who worked, lived, or studied in Lower Manhattan that the air was safe to breathe.
But it wasn’t, and today 9/11 responders and survivors are at risk of developing 68 types of cancer and many respiratory illnesses.
As a result of his exposure to Ground Zero toxins, Clinton has been diagnosed with melanoma, as well as respiratory illnesses including asthma, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and rhinosinusitis.
Clinton had already enrolled in the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program and has been receiving treatment for his 9/11-related illnesses.
But his initial attempt to obtain an award from the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) was unsuccessful.
With only a week remaining until his appeal hearing, Clinton contacted Barasch & McGarry, working closely with Senior Attorney James Steiner to demonstrate that he was volunteering in the Ground Zero exposure zone.
The appeal was successful, and Clinton will receive a substantial award from the 9/11 VCF.
If you were in Lower Manhattan on 9/11 or in the eight months that followed, you are eligible to register with the WTC Health Program and the 9/11 VCF – even if you are currently healthy.
Barasch & McGarry represents 30,000 members of the 9/11 community, including hundreds of responders who volunteered at Ground Zero.
Visit or call 212-385-8000 today.
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