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Zadroga ActVictim Compensation FundFirefighters

Breaking News: The House of Representatives Votes in Favor of the Victim Compensation Fund Extension

July 12, 2019 | Michael Barasch

I am thrilled to announce that this afternoon, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly (402-12) passed a 70 year extension of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF).

Congresswoman Maloney, who spearheaded the bi-partisan bill to extend and fully fund the VCF, was wearing the coat that Ret. FDNY Deputy Chief Richie Alles and I gave her 5 months ago. She vowed to wear the coat every day until the Bill becomes law. We are hoping that the Senate votes to pass the bill by August. Stay tuned. Today was a very good day for the 9/11 community.

Respectfully yours,

Mike Barasch

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