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WTC Health ProgramHealth Programs

Coping With Events That Trigger Memories of 9/11

June 18, 2020 | Lila Nordstrom

Watching a disaster unfold either in real life or on television can be tough for many 9/11 responders and survivors, and we’ve had our share recently. For those of you looking for somebody to talk to, below are some resources.

World Trade Center Health Program

If you’re looking to begin long term care for your WTC illnesses, this is a national program that treats 9/11-related conditions, including mental health issues connected to the events, at no cost to you. Find out more at its website:

NYC Well

A New York crisis hotline available in the five boroughs available via phone, text, or web.
Call: 888.NYC.WELL
Text: “WELL” to 65173

Disaster Distress Helpline

A national hotline for people suffering from emotional distress related to a disaster.
Call: 800.985.5990
Text: “TalkWithUs” to 66746

National Suicide Prevention Hotline

Despite the name, they deal with a broad array of mental health emergencies.
Call: 800.273.8255

If you don’t see what you’re looking for here, drop us an email and we’ll try to help you find other resources.

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