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Huffington Post Reminds Us of 9/11 Responders’ Sacrifices

October 16, 2014 | Michael Barasch

The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 are etched in the minds of most Americans. However, it can be easy to forget the real impact that day had — and continues to have — for individuals and families who were part of the tragic event. 

On the anniversary of the event this year, the Huffington Post ran a great story with some staggering statistics related to 9/11. The numbers paint a good picture of how people were affected. Among the statistics in the article were the following: 

  • 414: Number of first responders who died on September 11, 2001. All of these people died in New York City, as there were no fatalities from the first responders who showed up to the crash sites in Washington, D.C. and rural Pennsylvania.
  • Up to 70,000: The number of first responders who were exposed to toxic dusts from the World Trade Center rubble. Many of the individuals experienced their exposure in the days after the actual event, when they were searching for victims.
  • 2,518: The estimated number of firefighters, police officers and other first responders who have cancer stemming from exposure to materials on and after 9/11.
  • 1,400: Number of first responders who have died from cancer or other illnesses directly related to their work at the Ground Zero site. Again, most of these illness were due to hazardous material exposure leading. 

Statistics can tell great stories, and these numbers compiled from various data sources help us to truly understand what happened on 9/11 and how many people were impacted in very serious ways. If you or someone you know is dealing with a health issue related to the September 11 attacks, consult an experienced New York City attorney with Barasch & McGarry.


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