9/11 Injuries • Personal Injury • Zadroga Act
‘Stair Climbs’ Memorialize Heroics of NYC Firefighters, First Responders
Few people can truly imagine what it must have been like to be trapped in the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001. What’s even more difficult to believe is that so many firefighters rushed into the two towers to rescue as many people as possible, climbing countless stairs while knowing that their own lives were seriously at risk.
For tragedies like 9/11, it’s important for all of us to remember these sacrifices. Fortunately, one annual event has gained steam across the country, in the form of fire departments climbing 110 stories of stairs (or the equivalent of) in acts of remembrance and respect for their fellow firefighters in New York City that day.
For example, this year at the Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado, firefighters completed nine laps up and down the stairs of the space, which is famous for its picturesque setting. More than 1,500 attended and cheered on the participants. In cities nationwide, fire departments climbed skyscrapers to the top as a show of their support. Many of these events raised money for 9/11 victims funds and other important causes.
Although efforts like these are nice, it’s also important to remember that there are people who did not lose their lives on 9/11, but are suffering serious consequences for their heroic work both on that day and in the weeks afterward. Responders and volunteers who spent days at Ground Zero searching for survivors and bodies exposed themselves to dangerous materials that led to cancer for many of them.
Unfortunately, not all of the people who risked their lives and their health on 9/11 are getting the support and resources they need to deal with the health issues that have resulted. If you or your family is struggling with this issue, don’t hesitate to speak with a dedicated New York injury lawyer at Barasch & McGarry.
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