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9/11 firefighters

  • Former New York Governor Criticizes Coronavirus Response


    Former New York Governor Criticizes Coronavirus Response

    By Michael Barasch

    George Pataki could not have anticipated that the release of his new book, which looks back at the post-9/11 political climate, would occur in the middle of another world-changing event, the COVID-19 pandemic. The book, released in April, and his virtual book tour have drawn the former New York governor into the conversation about the […]

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  • Sales of License Plates Commemorating 9/11 Off to a Strong Start

    9/11 Injuries

    Sales of License Plates Commemorating 9/11 Off to a Strong Start

    By Michael Barasch

    A strong early response has demonstrated the demand for commemorative 9/11 license plates within New York State. After many years, the Department of Motor Vehicles finally agreed to issue the plates, with part of the proceeds going to a charity benefiting family members of World Trade Center victims. Fewer than three days after the plates […]

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  • 9/11 Injuries

    Study Shows 9/11 Firefighters at Greater Risk of Thyroid and Prostate Cancer

    By Michael Barasch

    Lowers Manhattan Skyline and the Towers Of Lights at Night[/caption] A recent study in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine finds that firefighters who participated in rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero following the 9/11 terror attacks have an elevated risk of prostate and thyroid cancer compared to other firefighters in other large cities. […]

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