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9/11 first responders

  • Zadroga ActWTC Health ProgramPolice Officers

    Bob Martin’s “9/11 Remembered: Twenty Years Later” Explores Heroism Amid Tragedy

    By Michael Barasch

    On September 11th, 2001, nobody will ever forget hearing the news about two airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center; or learning that our nation was under attack.  In the midst of all this fear and uncertainty, our first responders demonstrated an extraordinary strength of character. Words like “bravery,” “courage,” and “valor” are frequently used […]

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  • First RespondersWTC Health ProgramFirefighters

    Three-Fourths of 9/11 FDNY Community Already Have Ground Zero-related Illness

    By Michael Barasch

    Almost three-fourths of the FDNY personnel who worked at Ground Zero on and after 9/11 have developed a long-term illness related to their exposure to airborne toxic chemicals at the World Trade Center site, according to a recent study.  Of the 15,200 FDNY firefighters, paramedics, and other workers who were there, at least 11,300 have […]

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  • First RespondersZadroga ActVictim Compensation Fund

    As 9/11 anniversary approaches, responders and survivors are still at risk

    By Michael Barasch

    We are just weeks away from the twentieth anniversary of September 11, 2001, a day our nation will never forget. We will never forget the bravery of the first responders – the firefighters, police officers, emergency medical workers, and search-and-rescue teams who saved thousands of lives as the Twin Towers were collapsing, then searched the […]

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  • WTC Health ProgramZadroga ActVictim Compensation Fund

    Barasch & McGarry Honors Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney for Women’s History

    By Michael Barasch

    As we honor Women’s History Month, Barasch & McGarry proudly celebrates our friend Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney for her tireless support of the 9/11 community. Representing parts of Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn since 1993, Congresswoman Maloney’s constituents include thousands of 9/11 first responders, as well as survivors who were working, living, or attending school in Lower […]

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  • Zadroga ActWTC Health ProgramVictim Compensation Fund

    Honoring the Tenth Anniversary of the Zadroga Act

    By Michael Barasch

    We recently celebrated the tenth anniversary of President Obama signing the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, named in honor of hero NYPD Detective James Zadroga, a Barasch & McGarry client. The act established the World Trade Center Health Program and reactivated the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF), providing medical care and financial […]

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  • Were You There?

    If you were in Lower Manhattan on 9/11 or in the 8 months that followed, you may be eligible for compensation through the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. Call us at 888-351-9421 or contact us online for a free case evaluation.

  • COVID-199/11 InjuriesCoronavirus

    Tips for Safely Celebrating the Holiday Season

    By Michael Barasch

    Today we are celebrating the Holiday Season in ways we never could have anticipated last year at this time. With travel restrictions imposed to stop the spread of COVID-19 and many states – including New York – limiting the size of indoor gatherings, “home for the holidays” has taken a different meaning for many families. […]

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