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James Zadroga Health Act

  • 9/11 InjuriesZadroga Act

    Mike Barasch joined John Feal, 20 first responders and Tom Porter in Congress

    By Michael Barasch

    Last week, Mike Barasch joined John Feal, 20 first responders and Tom Porter in Congress. Tom is the legislative director of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA).  They met with dozens of republican representatives, trying to convince them and their staff of the importance of extending the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.” […]

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  • Zadroga Act9/11 Injuries

    Cancer rates in the NYPD have risen about 50 percent since Sept. 11, 2001

    By Michael Barasch

    According to a long-term study published this month in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, NYPD Chief Surgeon Dr. Eli Kleinman, along with scientists at Columbia University Medical Center and Weill Cornell Medical College, found a roughly 50-percent increase in all cancers after Sept. 11, with especially alarming rates of four specific types: Brain […]

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  • Zadroga Act

    Firefighters Group Shreds Politicians Who Denied Zadroga Bill Support

    By Michael Barasch

    Firefighters are tired of the empty rhetoric of politicians who claim to support the heroism of the first responders but who consistently refuse to support the extension of the Zadroga Act, which would continue medical treatment for those who have been diagnosed with WTC illnesses.  Too many politicians have made flowery speeches honoring the sacrifices […]

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  • Health ProgramsZadroga ActVictim Compensation Fund

    More than 100 House Members Back Permanent Extension of Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Law

    By Michael Barasch

    Health and compensation for injured and ill 9/11 survivors and responders set to expire without Congressional action WASHINGTON –Support for a permanent extension of the programs established to aid ailing 9/11 responders and survivors reached a critical milestone today with 102 Members of the House of Representatives, including 24 Republicans, now backing the effort. The […]

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  • 9/11 Injuries

    First Responders Affected by Ground Zero Toxins Testify to Congress

    By Michael Barasch

    As the fight continues to extend the benefits of the James Zadroga Health Act, more people have shown up to testify in front of Congress on the continued need for those benefits. Recently, a number of first responders who had been seriously injured in the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 appeared […]

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  • Were You There?

    If you were in Lower Manhattan on 9/11 or in the 8 months that followed, you may be eligible for compensation through the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. Call us at 888-351-9421 or contact us online for a free case evaluation.

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