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  • Police OfficersVictim Compensation FundFirst Responders

    Barasch & McGarry Blows Whistle on Corrupt Attorney Who Stole $1 Million From 9/11 Disabled Cop

    By Michael Barasch

    NYPD veteran John Ferreyra figured he could trust his longtime friend Gus Vila, a former police officer who had since become an attorney, and who handled Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) claims. After the 9/11 attacks, Officer Ferreyra spent 12 hour days for 2 months assisting in the rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero. He […]

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  • Dealing With a Diagnosis of 9/11-Related Cancer

    WTC Health Program9/11 Injuries

    Dealing With a Diagnosis of 9/11-Related Skin Cancer

    By Michael Barasch

    People who contracted skin cancer due to exposure to the toxic atmosphere around Ground Zero after 9/11 — such as firefighters, police officers, downtown residents, workers, students, teachers and many others — can receive lifetime health care from the World Trade Center Health Program for both non-melanoma and melanoma types of cancer. The WTCHP covers […]

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