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  • Zadroga ActPolice OfficersVictim Compensation Fund

    Bob Martin’s “9/11 Remembered: Twenty Years Later” Explores Heroism Amid Tragedy

    By Michael Barasch

    On September 11th, 2001, nobody will ever forget hearing the news about two airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center; or learning that our nation was under attack.  In the midst of all this fear and uncertainty, our first responders demonstrated an extraordinary strength of character. Words like “bravery,” “courage,” and “valor” are frequently used […]

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  • Victim Compensation FundPolice OfficersFirst Responders

    Barasch & McGarry Blows Whistle on Corrupt Attorney Who Stole $1 Million From 9/11 Disabled Cop

    By Michael Barasch

    NYPD veteran John Ferreyra figured he could trust his longtime friend Gus Vila, a former police officer who had since become an attorney, and who handled Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) claims. After the 9/11 attacks, Officer Ferreyra spent 12 hour days for 2 months assisting in the rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero. He […]

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  • Sales of License Plates Commemorating 9/11 Off to a Strong Start

    9/11 Injuries

    Sales of License Plates Commemorating 9/11 Off to a Strong Start

    By Michael Barasch

    A strong early response has demonstrated the demand for commemorative 9/11 license plates within New York State. After many years, the Department of Motor Vehicles finally agreed to issue the plates, with part of the proceeds going to a charity benefiting family members of World Trade Center victims. Fewer than three days after the plates […]

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  • 9/11 InjuriesZadroga ActHealth Programs

    Death of 9/11 Hero Should Stir Zadroga Act Support

    By Michael Barasch

    The death on September 10 of a Yonkers policeman from 9/11-related cancer did not arouse sufficient support for Congress to renew the James L. Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, before it expired on September 30. But Lt. Roy McLaughlin’s life and untimely death should stand as a reminder of the urgent need to extend […]

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