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Victim Compensation FundWTC Health Program

What If I Can’t Find Proof of Presence That I Was in the WTC Exposure Zone?

April 7, 2020 | Lila Nordstrom

If you spent a lot of time in the WTC contamination zone on or after September 11th, 2001 but do not have a straightforward way to prove your presence, the Zadroga programs will still work with you. Maybe you volunteered regularly outside of a formal organization or attended regular meetings downtown. Perhaps you lived in Battery Park but have long since discarded your lease. Maybe you worked for a small firm that has since gone out of business. In these cases, both the WTCHP and the VCF will accept affidavits from witnesses who physically saw you downtown and can attest that you were there. Both programs will accept detailed statements that describe your whereabouts, what you were doing, and the conditions you experienced near Ground Zero, though generally these kinds of accommodations are considered on a case by case basis. If your proof of presence is deemed insufficient and your application is denied, the VCF allows you the right to appeal their decision and testify at a non-adversarial hearing in person, or over the phone, to supply additional information.

If you are having trouble finding proof of presence, call our firm. We would be happy to help.

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