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  • First RespondersFirefightersCoronavirus

    Barasch & McGarry Helps Keep Essential Workers on the Job

    By Michael Barasch

    COVID-19 has confronted first responders and front-line health care workers with an unprecedented crisis, threatening the health and safety of essential workers who have carried New York and the entire nation on their backs, day after day. Throughout the pandemic, Barasch & McGarry has been honored to work tirelessly to support first responders and medical […]

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  • Like 9/11 Responders, COVID-19 Frontline Workers Deserve a Victim Compensation Fund

    Zadroga ActCoronavirus

    Like 9/11 Responders, COVID-19 Frontline Workers Deserve a Victim Compensation Fund

    By Michael Barasch

    Every day we hear stories about how today’s heroes — doctors, nurses, government service providers, cleaning crews, grocery store clerks and other “essential” workers — risk their health to make sure the rest of us can be as safe as possible during the coronavirus pandemic. But we hear other stories, too, about how some of […]

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  • Former New York Governor Criticizes Coronavirus Response


    Former New York Governor Criticizes Coronavirus Response

    By Michael Barasch

    George Pataki could not have anticipated that the release of his new book, which looks back at the post-9/11 political climate, would occur in the middle of another world-changing event, the COVID-19 pandemic. The book, released in April, and his virtual book tour have drawn the former New York governor into the conversation about the […]

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  • COVID-19EMTs

    Announcing the Health Care Worker Lunch Donation Program from Barasch & McGarry

    By Michael Barasch

    Amidst the chaos of the COVID-19 crisis, many of our health care heroes on the front lines of this pandemic have resorted to eating their lunches and dinners from vending machines. It breaks our hearts to think about our heroes not having a proper meal while they risk their lives every day to protect us […]

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  • EMTs

    Medical Responders with 9/11-Related Illnesses Struggle to Obtain Disability Pensions

    By Michael Barasch

    As the New York Post recently reported, different pension programs govern retirement for different classes of responders, so while FDNY firefighters are being protected, medical responders who work for FDNY, who responded to the same scene, and who faced the same perils, are having extreme difficulty obtaining a fair outcome.
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  • Deadline Alert

    9/11 claims for compensation and benefits have specific windows of eligibility for victims and their families. Register now to ensure your claim is filed accurately and within the proper window. Call us at 888-351-9421 or contact us online for a free case evaluation.

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